Monday, January 07, 2019

Happy New Year.

This is the time where we start to settle into the new year, there is a new Congress that started this week, even within a shut down stalemate, the Senate will not co-operate with the new people in the Congress, and the man in charge will not budge. We will see how long this will last.  ***eye rolls**

The shop had about five shows before the days of Christmas, though the shows were full of promise, the amount of costumers were a bit disappointing, it has been told to me that shows don't do well on election years, so far it hasn't been a lie.  The Holiday Geek expo was still our best show, and we have been recruited to be a dealer at MarsCon.  There is a lot of controversy around that con, not sure it was the best idea to take them up on it, but our sales suffer in the spring, we may not do MarsCon after this, the money has already been spent, at least we have our foot in the door.    

On a personal note, our holiday was full of merriment and sickness. My gallbladder decided to cleanse itself two days before Christmas, needless to say, eating wasn't the best idea. (I did it anyway) followed by a three day cleanse and a cold that just won't go away.  (still) 

Jerid has been liking going to STAR, he's got one more year and we are now having to explore what is next. We are thinking of an organization that gets him out of the house at least 2-3 days a week and maybe does volunteering.  His counselors know he could get a job, the likely hood of him having follow through and sustainability is almost nonexistent.  As much as he loves repetition, he needs change ups in his routine.

Justin has started to see a chiropractor right before Christmas, it has helped him in so many ways, his anxiety for one has been more under control then ever before.  His spine was a bit on the scoliosis side, but his neck was also pushed forward, which made his esophagus kind of on a constant state of an almost swallow which causes anxiety and lack of lung capacity.  It's expensive, but worth every penny to have a calm Justin.

Happy New years to everyone.

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