Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hello Again
Well a few things have changed since the last time I have blogged here, the format is going to take me a while to get used to for one.  So here is the rundown of what has been going on.  In April I went with a few knitting friends to Bug Bee Hive Resort, for our annual spring retreat. The above picture was taken one the porch on a beautiful morning, our cabin over looked the lake, it was an amazing weekend.  It was here that I found out that I was knitting my socks way to tight, I found out that I had to change from a size two knitting needle to a size three.  Wow, I guess I'm more tense then I thought I was, you can just tell from the knitting.  Kimberly ( a good knitting friend of mine) had taken apart two of my socks while I whimpered into my drink.  I guess you could say a good friend will knit with you, a really good friend will frog your project when it really needs it. I'm thankful  that Lisa Puts found this beautiful location for us to retreat to.  I intended to blog while I was there, but alas I did not.  One of the main reasons I for not doing so.  I was just having so much fun!  Since the retreat, I have knitted three pairs of socks with the size threes. 
  Also went to the Shepard's Harvest Festival over Mother's Day weekend, with good friends Kathy and Jenny. I had a very good time there.   

Jerid News

Jerid was going to be in the Track and Field events for the Special  Olympics this year, but he didn't seem all to interested, it was not at all like Swimming.  When Jerid doesn't want to do something he lets us know.  The last practice we had to take him out of the car because when we put the seat down to let him out of the car, he unbuckled his safety belt then pushed the seat back and buckled himself back in.  That's code for, you go running around the track. I'll stay in the car.  So we heard him loud and clear.  We will wait to try Bowling in the fall.  I would like to send a shout out the the Wild West, Carver Co. Special Olympic team! Hope we bring home gold!

Carver News.  
We have been moving! So close and yet so very far!  Next weekend my brother and sister-in-law have gotten a trailer to help us move.  We have been going to Carver to clean the home we are moving into, trying to get things staged out so the move will go smoothly.  So very nerve racking, and exciting.  Anyone wishing to send good energy or have moving tips or want to help let me know.