Sunday, September 28, 2014

An Autistic Child has to leave this home for this weekend's event.

This past weekend in the City of Carver had their annual event called Carver Steamboat days.  It is run by the City of Carver Lions club. Which is an event that takes up the city streets, with music, vendors and a parade. What they don't want people to know is that they had to displace an Autistic Child and his family, so they can block off their home to have a out door concert and beer vendors serve beer until 12 am. on Saturday night.

Ok, I have to admit.  Those who have read my blog before, know that it is our family.  So let me explain the stresses that come with this.  We have been trying to get the Carver Lions Club, and the City of Carver to move this event from in front of our home since we tried to move Justin's father (who was a disabled Vietnam vet. moved back to his home after an extensive stay in a rehabilitation center.)  The city did nothing.  When we explained that we have a disabled child who lives with us, so they should move the event else where, they just offered a hotel room.  We have admit we took it.  We felt we have no choice.  So leaving our home to a city who doesn't care about it's constituents, and a Lions club who obviously doesn't care about the displacement of a child with autism and his care givers. We had to leave our home.

This year we have gotten ourselves a lawyer.  Not much good it did us. (not that we are ungrateful for what our lawyer did for us. She was as awesome as she could be not being an expert of this section of law, she did move small mountains.)  We still had to leave our home.  The only up side was we got food added to their bill.  So at least we didn't have to scrape for food, which we had to do the last two years.

We also found out last year that The City of Carver has been shooting off fireworks within 200 yards from our house, in doing so on the weekend after labor day weekend 2007 (or 2008) they did in fact light our home on fire. We were told this after we had gotten a new roof.  This was at the time when Justin's father owned the house and was in the hospital. We also found out that they didn't have a permit for those years and not one mention to the family, from the City or from the Lion's club.  So when we did get the lawyer we were told by the city we had to evacuate our home so they can shoot off the fireworks. Our lawyer called the state fire marshal. We then found out that evacuation of a family home for fireworks  is 100% illegal and in contacting the state fire marshal our lawyer did get the fire works moved away from our house.
This was what was blocking us from our home.  Our lawyer told us we could go home by Sunday night we couldn't believe they only left us enough room for our Honda civic to get threw the rows of bleacher and garbage cans.  They moved them the next morning after we  made a comment on Facebook with a picture of what they considered clearing our drive way.  They said they would clean up around our yard, it took them two days and us contacting them on Facebook yet again to get them to do what they promised.  
After they  posted this video, we were confirmed in our concerns about what happens in our front walk and drive way.

 Yep this in front of our home. What would you do?

Out raged yet?  It gets better.  Since we have moved into this home which has been in Justin's family for 5 generations.  We have been accused of trying to shut down the whole event. We asked them to move it, they then ask us to find a more appropriate site for the concert.  When we point out that they have 4 parks large enough to host the event, without having to move people out of their home. They then say it wouldn't work, because people would complain.  (really?)  We have been asked by the City of Carver and the Lion's club why we moved there if we didn't like the event there.  (again really?)  We also have been asked why we are complaining, they don't offer a hotel to anyone else.  (what?)

We don't want to take away their event, we just want it to be moved. So we can enjoy the celebration and even participate, maybe make people aware of the autism community.

All we are asking for is the quiet serenity of our home, and access to it  100 % of the time.

Please help this post go viral!!! Let the City of Carver, and the Carver Lions Club know that they are wrong in displacing our family.

 Thank you for your support.  I would also like to thank our Lawyer, who did everything she could and the State of Minnesota's fire Marshal, that got the fire works a safe distance from our home.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

new years

Intergalactic folk festival 2013
Happy New Year Everyone!!!  It just dawned on me that I haven't updated in a while and thinking this is a perfect time to do so.  The first of the new year always makes me reflect on the last.  Maybe a little cliche on my end but hay, why not.  It was a bumpy road but we managed to stay on it.  which isn't a bad thing.  As of October 31 we have been at our currant residence in Carver and allot has happened to say the least.  Between figuring out the quarks of our 157 year old house (I know all houses have them no matter the age) Frozen pipes, finding out what doesn't trip the fuses, new roof, new kitten,  bees moving in, and moving them out,  wasps, box elder bugs,  bats and random scratching thing in the walls (that's new)  squirrels, opening a shop,  Intergalactic folk festivals (with broken arms), birthday parties, Halloween get together s, Renaissance festival guests, car brake downs, potty training, ghosts (just the family saying hello), random smells, fights with city hall, new bridge constructions in our back yard, steamboat days, craft shows and it seems much much more. (not all in that order)

new bridge started in 2012, finished 2013
I know I listen allot above, I haven't quite shared with you yet so, let me explain.   Since the last entry we have had a few things have been happening.  A friend of mine Karen Larsen ( has become a major player for our little in home shop Temperance Arts and Gifts.  She has been getting us out to arts show and has started her own on line shop as well as sells her items at the shop.  So we have been busy to say the least.  
The car brake downs haven't really been all that new.  On Christmas day our cars rod that holds the hood open fell across the battery, shorting out the whole car.  Not fun!
new roof 2013, YaY!
Ghosts haven't been making appearances until a few months ago.  Now we are having random smells down the hall ways like someone is cooking (something delicious) Christmas Eve it smelled like hot apple pie, before we started to cook for the day.   Thanksgiving smelled like Roast (no one cooked that day)  Not complaining, in the least, it could be worse.  

We only had one bat in the house, I was on line and in my sewing room when it happened, of course Justin was at band practice.  So I locked myself in my room until Justin came home.  The most frustrating of all is when Justin came home, there was no bat.  Haven't seen it since.  Now he thinks I'm crazy.  (Just kidding, he believes me)

Random scratching in the walls are happening as well, we haven't been brave enough to investigate, we think it's a raccoon, or a possum.  Not sure, we just know it loves to scratch, and if you tap on the walls where it is, it will hiss at you.  No clue.

steamboat days, how are we supposed to get home
now? 2013
As for Steamboat days and the headaches that come with it, we just have resided ourselves that education is key.  It seems that no one knows that we live in the big red house down the block.  So we just let people know as they come into the shop and talk to as many people in town that the house is occupied by three people who love their piece and quite, especially on school weekends.  Educate, Educate, Educate.

So I'll finish off this blog post with pictures with descriptions, because all of a sudden my computer is acting up.  Instead of fighting with it for an hour and loosing here it goes!  Love technology!
gardening successes! 2013
   This year we started our first Garden with some successes!  We planted Zucchini, tomatoes, squash, sunflowers, and peppers.  Most of all we ate, and was very good, we are thinking of adding more next year. We are hoping it will be as successful.  

new shop sign! 2013
 New shop sign picture!  We are getting more exposure as a little shop in our house gets more popular.  We have gotten new signs and it seems to be helping to let people know we exorcist!
bees getting a new home away from ours! 2013  
BEES! Yes, that is the side of our house being dissembled for the removal  a honey  bee hive that moved in.  This summer was a fun one they moved in two days after we got our new roof, and the week before the Intergalactic Folk festival that caused great concern for two of the musicians were highly allergic to bees were to performed.   They were removed a week after the festival.  No one got stung.  Thankfully!

So I'm hoping that this year is a little bit less critter based.  Can't wait! 
(or maybe I can.)

Thank you and Happy New Year!