As this year is neatly rapped up, we say good bye to 2011, and say hello to 2012. I hope that this past year was full of good memories and cheer.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
As this year is neatly rapped up, we say good bye to 2011, and say hello to 2012. I hope that this past year was full of good memories and cheer.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! (give or take a day or three) This year we made it to my grandparent's house, had a lot of good food, seen family I haven't seen since last year and had a great time. Jerid seemed to enjoy the holiday ruckus and handled it very well. Last night (Saturday after Thanksgiving) a friend of ours had, what she called, a chosen family Thanksgiving. We saw old friends and made some new ones, which made things seem more festive.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
This is the National Writers Month, yet again, I feel vastly unprepared for it. I haven't been writing much. I have on the other hand been working hard on getting this Christmas taken care of. All but the Finishing work is finished.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Well I had recieved some really good goodies from the Beltain (Mayday) Swap and I'm greatful to say that my package did make it there. I didn't get any pictures apon the arrival of my package but I have some pictures of some of the things that I got, I'll be posting more later...I would like to say to YaYaSis, thank you again fro the lovely gifts.
In my package that I recieved was a spindle and some roving, (the roving isn't pictured, it was a lovely purple), I have never spun my own yarn, so I took my new spindle to the Sheperd Harvest Festival and learned how to spin or "role my own" yarn. I also got some really cool sock yarn which I started new socks for myself. (pictured, socks were the Blue Bell socks from One hundred and One Designer One Skien Wonders book) I love the color way and couldn't stop to take a before picture (sorry). She also sent me some jewlry, chocolate and some goodies for my dollies. I'm going to post some pictures with those idems (I promise).
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Spring is now sprung! I have the flowers in
my yard to prove it!
With it I had done a Beltain (May Day) swap on Ravelry and gotten a drop
spindle and some beautiful hand died wool.
I have never spun wool before, so some friends of mine, told me about the fiber festivel that was going on this weekend.
We went today and had a great time. I learned how to use my drop spindle there, I also found my new obsession with fiber (not that I needed anouther one) Next weekend my friend Jenny will be coming to my house for some sewing and quilting. Part of the sewing projects will be costumes for ConVergence (a Sci-Fi convention in Bloomington MN that is coming up in July) Though the theme isn't steampunk most people are looking at it as such, I thinking of making my costume on this level though not on the same level as should be intresting.
One the news of Jerid.
He is swimming without life vest and loves to jump in on the deep end. He swam 30 feet the other day and loves to float on his back now. It is awesome to be able to say that. I am a proud mama.
Speaking of Mama's Happy Mother's day to all Mother's and prospective Mama's!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 01, 2011