Thursday, January 13, 2011

I have been doing alot after the first of the year 2011 has been productive so far in many ways. I have knitted five hats I'm also making a drum bag for Justin and I have my sweater vest ready for finishing. (pictured, Thanks Tamera) As you can see it's color ways a blazen and I have no intentions of stopping, ok, maybe slow down but never stop. The world could always use more color! I intend to help out in this area where ever possible. I have noted that technology hasn't been my biggest ally this year, complictions with up dating my blog (this is my third atempt to write something sinse this year has started. Complications with getting paper work in and the like. Not much more to complain about in my life. (so far this year) Jerid has restarted school like most kids after the christmas season and we are back on a working schedual (Yay!) Justin's two bands are preparing for Marscon, coming up in March. It should be fun. I'm hoping optimism is the key to this year. (here's to keeping our fingers crossed)
The world is anouther matter it is a topsy turvy place. My heart goes out the victums of the shootings of last week. The ones who didn't make it and the ones who did. The mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. May they find peace and understanding in the caos of what happened.
Till next time!